Earn money by blogging without adsense approval

July 21, 2018 Evil Kannevil 0 Comments

You heard it right you can start earning money from your blog the next second without waiting for any kind of approvals like adsense. It's too hard to get an adsense approval then why still running behind it if you have an easy method for monetizing your blog. We are going to use Ayboll for displaying ads on our page instead of adsense. Its works on pay per click the more users click on your ads the  more money you will earn

Just follow this steps

  •  Then provide your email id and a password for your account.

  • After completing your sign up you will reach a page like this ↧↧↧
  • Now click on my widgets under the publish tab. 

  • Now click on the create widget button

  • Now select the type of layout which most suits your site

  • Customize it so that it can easily blend on your site.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the site and click the get code butoon.
  • Now copy and paste your code to your website under the head tag.

  • If your code is correctly installed can see its status in green color as active.

  • Just go to your site it has already begin to show ads and you will earn according to the users click in those ads.
Hope! You find this article useful if you face any difficulties don't forget to tell us.